From what I read, ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse will only take from the path of a URL, and redirect it in one way or another.... can be redirected to with an entry like this...

ProxyPass /my_web/foo

Which isn't what you're trying to do. Did you look into ProxyRemote? That seems to be what you're looking for....


You're probably gonna want to do it with an IP, or machine name, since the DNS for your second domain has the same IP as the first box...


Otherwise, you'd be in a continual loop. If you try to forward a request for seconddomain onto seconddomain, the DNS is going to point it back to the same IP address (main box)

Brad Alpert wrote:
I did a LoadModule in Apache, which is a perfectly fine
way to do it in 2.x, evidently.

I did do ProxyPass and ProxyPassReverse with zero results. Everything still came back to the original, main server instead of
redirecting over to the target machine inside the network.

I could run the domains from my main machine, but I don't want to
have to do that. That machine runs a lot of other stuff and I'd
certainly like to offload webpages. I don't think this is a
horrendous request to ask of a mature webserver. Evidently, it is.

I'm going to proceed to Plan B now, which is to lose my will to live.


Thanks for the help in understanding.


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Brad Alpert wrote:

ProxyPass and ProxyPass reverse contained in the VirtualHost
directive allows you to masquerade a local directory to another
machine.  What I need is a complete virtual presence from the
inside server.  If VirtualHosts doesn't allow this, I am
Did you compile apache with mod_proxy?

I don't think ProxyPass[Reverse] is what you're looking for, as
these  handle direct path requests for the local server.
ProxyRemote seems to  be more along the lines of what you're
trying to do, as it is supposed  to map a URL to a remote host.

Is there some reason that you don't/can't run the domains from the
same box?

And yes, IIS does allow the pointing of any number of inside IIS
servers to a single, outside IP.  Before I migrated my stuff to
over to RedHat, I had three internal domains externally
represented over my single IP, each with their own registered
domain name.  It's
trivial, couple of mouse clicks and you're there.  IIS uses
"host headers" which is analogous to virtual hosts.  Likewise,
you can use fake internal IP's in IIS to do the same thing, as
in Apache.
It just seems strange that Microsoft would include a "proxy
server" in  with their web server....when they would normally
charge seperately for  both. :)

This has to be doable in apache..  I can't believe there aren't
people out there on apache running any number of internal
virtual servers, addressable by unique domain name, from a
single IP.
I'm currently running 5 external domains on the same IP, but
they're all  on the same box.  My internal domains are on a
different box, have a  bogus IP, and only accessable from my
network (used mainly for dev  purposes).  I use the same DNS
servers to point to both, but the
internal names don't get announced to the outside world.

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