Details on how to get remote root access via CUPS is detailed on iDEFENSE 
at  (notice the date)

The RH provided cups-1.1.15-10 is problematic but cups-1.1.17-4 from 
Rawhide is not.  But having to keep track of Rawhide for security issues 
that could result in a root compromise defeats one of the key advantages 
to paying for RHN.

I have no problem with non-default packages recieving secondary support
when it is clearly indicated that they are not part of the standard OS.  
For example, I understood clearly that the RH would address UofW IMAP 
daemon issues more timely than issues with the Cyrus IMAP daemon.  The 
distinction was clear, one was installed off of the RH OS CD and the other 
was installed off of Powertools.  I'm perfectly fine with the 
understanding the I take on more responisblity when installing from 
Powertools.  This game non-default "support" for packages on the same RH 
OS CDs leads to the obvious question, what will get fast turn around on 
RHN and what will RH use the non-default excuse for.

On Thu, 2 Jan 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On Thu, 2 Jan 2003 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Depends on the service that I want to run on the server.  For SMTP, IMAP,
> > BIND and SMB services I am confortable with RH 8.0.  For Apache with
> > mod_php, I am still using RH 7.3.  For CUPS (Common Unix Printing System),
> > I would recommend that any novice administator either switch back to RH's
> > "default" LPRng or switch to a different distributor since RHN has proven
> > useless in keeping up with security holes for this "optional" package.  
> > (This also makes we wonder how well issues with the RH postfix package
> > will be addressed.)
> > 
> What kind of security problems does CUPS have. I tried buying CUPS CD
> to install newest version a few months ago but it had problems with
> ghostscript so I bought a book with RH7.3 to get a working copy. Didn't
> really want to upgrade to 8.0 I was running 7.2  CUPS has solved many
> irritations and problems I had with LPRng like losing jobs if the
> printer was off CUPS is so persistent someone sent a job to the
> wrong printer and turned it off when I turned it on 2 weeks later
> it printed. It also makes printing to a raw queue a breeze.
>                        Linda Hanigan

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