> You can also "pipe" any commands to the program 'less', like this
> # [command]  |less  (that's pipe symbol, less)
> for big directories I like `ls -l |less`, use up and down arrows to
> scroll, 'q' to quit
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Thomas E. Dukes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2003 06:05
> Subject: RPM questions
>> Hello,
>> If I do rpm -qlp [filename], is there a way to keep the output from
>> scrolling off the screen?  Also, how do you keep ls from doing the
>> same?
>> Another thing, when I have tried to remove a package using rpm -e, I
>> get package not installed when I know its installed.  Do I have a
>> problem with the rpm database?  I tried rpm --rebuilddb, but it
>> doesn't help.
>> Any ideas?
>> TIA

BTW, if you do have output that scrolls off the screen then just hold down
the shift key and hit Page-Up as many times as needed.


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