Ric responded:

>You don't own the CD's, records, nor tapes. You own a copy of them. That 
>copy gives you the right to "play" them, from their original media. It 
>expressly, does not, give you the right to copy them. Period.

BZZZT!!!  Wrong.  Thanks for playing our copyright game.

Look at the copyright laws again and the "first sale" doctrine.  As the
owner of any prerecorded material, you have a right to make backup copies
and use it any way you wish, for your own personal use.  Why do you think
that so many people are getting up in arms over any new digital protection
system that keeps anyone from making any kind of copy of stuff they own.
Of course Hollywood and the music companies would prefer that you never be
able to mak a copy of whaat you own, but our laws say otherwise and there
are some in Congress who are being paid off by the Hollywood a**hole who
want laws to make it so you can't.  It is being fought tooth and nail.

In any event, the original poster has every right to make as many personal
CDs of material that he owns.

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