On Mon, 2003-01-06 at 16:27, Jose Carlos Lama Pérez wrote:
> Hello:
> 1. How can I make the tasklist shows  ALL windows in the workspace, 
> including the dialogs, like the mozilla downloading windows, or the 
> transition ones of the change background app.
> 2. How can I change the contents of the menus. And again: some programs, 
> when installed, doesn't find their way to the menus, do i need to issue 
> some order to refresh them?
> 3. Is it true that I can download the red-hat-linux-version(whtaever its 
> name is).X.Y.rpm of a new RH distro to get all the new rpms, and so 
> upgrade the distro via up2date
> Thanks.
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The first two question are gnome-specific.  I would point you to 


1.  I will tell you that sometimes there are windows associated to
applications that do not appear in the tasklist and I not sure why.  I
would be curious to hear the answer on that. 

2.  Very rarely do I do this but usually if you want to refresh the menu
which is connected to the panel I go to Actions --> Run Program 
and type in killall gnome-panel and that does it.

Due to a very contorted issue with cross-compatibility with KDE menus
and a host of other issues Gnome in RH8 shipped without menu editing
enabled.  I hate this. 

If this is a single user desktop box, I would suggest doing this.  

chmod -R o-w ~/.gnome2/vfolders
chmod -R o-w ~/.gnome2/panel.d

This is saying to the system that anybody can write to those folders so anybody can 
customize the menu.  

This is not the same as in other more stock versions of Gnome where each user can 
customize the menu and their entries only impact their own desktop.

This means that user A can screw up user B's custom settings so that is why I suggest 
it only for a single-user desktop machine.

That being said how do you edit them?  Click Start-Here go into Applications and right 
click and you will an option Create Launcher. 

You can also right click on entries and edit them.  

3.  I have to admit I am unsure about updating the entire distro to a new version with 
up2date.  Never tried it and probably never will.  
I like having the CDs.

Johnathan Bailes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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