This kind of depends on a couple of things. First, I am going to assume that you are NOT using the Samba box as a Domain Controller for your Windows boxes. Having said that, this problem comes up when you are logged on to the Windows box as an administrative user who does not have root level privileges on the linux box. It has to with the specific OS calls that are used to access the print queue, which are briefly explained in the man pages. Below, I have included the line you can add to smb.conf to correct it, as well as the relevant section of the smb.conf man page.

What you can do is add the following line to the globals section of your smb.conf to apply it to all printers:

use client driver = yes

Now, here I have included the relevant section of the smb.conf man page:

use client driver (S)
This parameter applies only to Windows NT/2000 clients. It has no affect on Windows 95/98/ME clients. When serving a printer to Windows NT/2000 clients without first installing a valid printer driver on the Samba host, the client will be required to install a local printer driver. From this point on, the client will treat the print as a local printer and not a network printer connection. This is much the same behavior that will occur when disable spoolss = yes.

The differentiating factor is that under normal circumstances, the NT/2000 client will attempt to open the network printer using MS-RPC. The problem is that because the client considers the printer to be local, it will attempt to issue the OpenPrinterEx() call requesting access rights associated with the logged on user. If the user possesses local administator rights but not root privilegde on the Samba host (often the case), the OpenPrinterEx() call will fail. The result is that the client will now display an "Access Denied; Unable to connect" message in the printer queue window (even though jobs may successfully be printed).

If this parameter is enabled for a printer, then any attempt to open the printer with the PRINTER_ACCESS_ADMINISTER right is mapped to PRINTER_ACCESS_USE instead. Thus allowing the OpenPrinterEx() call to succeed. This parameter MUST not be able enabled on a print share which has valid print driver installed on the Samba server.

See also disable spoolss

Default: use client driver = no

I hope this helps.

Shannon Neumann
Neumannweb Computers

Graeme Coates wrote:

Hi all,

Probably a quick question which I think may be configuration related:

When I try to view the print queue on my RH8 box from a Windows XP
workstation on the same network, I get an "Access denied. Unable to
connect." message, meaning I can't view the queue from WinXP, even
though I can print to that printer via SAMBA with no problems. This also
caused problems as if I print with the RH box off, it will queue the
items in Windows but never sends them later as it is always unable to

I'm thinking either I have a permission wrong, or my smb.conf is out of
line... any ideas?

smb.conf (relevant lines):

workgroup = HILLBURY
netbios name = ARIES
server string = Samba Server bind interfaces only = True
interfaces = eth0
hosts deny = ALL
hosts allow = 192.168.0. 127.
guest account = nobody
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
log level = 0
max log size = 50
security = user
invalid users = root bin daemon nobody named sys tty disk mem kmem users
encrypt passwords = yes
smb passwd file = /etc/samba/smbpasswd
username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
write cache size = 262144
printcap name = lpstat
printing = cups

[printers] comment = All Printers
path = /var/spool/samba
browseable = no
public = yes
guest ok = yes
writable = no
printable = yes
create mode = 0766
print command = lpr -P %p -o raw %s -r
lpq command = lpq -P %p
lprm command = cancel %p-%j



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