On Thu, Jan 09, 2003 at 03:02:18PM -0500, Jeff Myers wrote:
> I have 7.3 running on an HP e800 server with 256M and 9gig of space.
> First indication was the system would not respond to anything except ping.
> At the console the error messages were Out Of Memory....yada yada.
> Upon further investigation, running TOP shows logrotate as having 98% of CPU and a 
>bunch of memory.  
> If I kill the process it frees everything of course.  
> Is this a known bug?  Suggestions?

Do you have mailman running?  Mailman's log file naming scheme seems to interact badly 
logrotate.  In addition to running out of CPU, you may also find that you're running 
of inodes.  I saw one machine with a 2-megabyte /var/log/mailman directory.  (That's
the size of the directory itself, not the size of the files in it.)

If you remove mailman, be sure to remove the log directory, too.


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