Dave Ihnat said:
> Gentlefolk,
> The subject line sez it all.  Is anyone aware of a Linux-native speed test
> utility wandering about somewhere?  It'd probably have to tie into one of
> the hosts for Win-based testers, I'd think.  (Infrastructure in place
> already--test files of known size for transfer, etc.)  Otherwise it would
> have to make use of its own test site, file sets, etc.

i've always used ftp(ncftp) to kernel.org and downloaded a kernel.

a better test would be a ftp server at your ISP and download something/upload

with all the other traffic on my network[1](not a whole lot but still),
downloading linux-2.2.23.tar.bz2 from kernel.org @ 106kByte/second
sustained. And I have a 1 megabit connection(downstream, 1 Megabit upstream
though with DSL protocol overhead it comes out to about 890KBPS).

kernel.org has a 250MBit connection it looks like. My ISP claims they
peak at 30% utilization for their backbone(s).


[1] http://mrtg.aphroland.org/summit.aphroland.org/summit.1.html

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