
I just installed Apache 2.0 on my Redhat 7.3 (2.4.19) system. I started my httpd and
tryed to connect to it from (browser)"http://localhost"; and it WILL connect. Then went
into the httpd.conf file and changed the servername to "myipaddy"(145.17x.xx.25) and 
sure it was listening on port 80 and then tryed to connect to it from a remote machine
and it wont connect(http://145.17x.xx.25) i get a "THE PAGE CANNOT BE DISPLAYED". 

I UN-INSTALLED ipchains and lokkit firewall casue im running IPTABLES 1.2.7a But i have
my rules in place that open port 80. I have tryed to run a PORT scan on the machine 
a remote machine and it says NO PORTS OPEN. (i ran the port scan using IP TOOLS ver 

I have also tryed using tcpdump on the machine and then tryed to connect from a another
machine to see if the kernel was dropping any packets and it wasnt. I can display the

Here are my rules for iptables to open port 80 
if [ "$CONNECTION_TRACKING" = "1" ]; then 
iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp \ 
--sport 1024:65535 \ 
-d "myipaddy" --dport 80 \ 
-m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT 

iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -p tcp \ 
--sport 1024:65535 \ 
-d myipaddy --dport 80 -j ACCEPT 
iptables -A OUTPUT -o eth0 -p tcp \ 
-s myipaddy --sport 80 \ 
--dport 1024:65535 -j ACCEPT 

Could there be something else that is dropping the packets on my machine or my ISP
blocking it? Is there some way to test to see of there are? I know this isnt much to go
on but anybody got some ideas of somehting i could try. 

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