Hi Steve,

> I'm assuming you're a RoadRunner customer?  

Well no.  I am a TPG customer (in Australia) so not RoadRunner unless
RoadRunner is THEIR upstream...

I also see entries from other places like: - - [12/Jan/2003:05:10:09 +1000] "CONNECT
maila.microsoft.com:25 / HTTP/1.0" 400 370 "-" "-" - - [12/Jan/2003:05:10:19 +1000] "CONNECT
maila.microsoft.com:25 / HTTP/1.0" 400 370 "-" "-" - - [12/Jan/2003:08:45:23 +1000] "CONNECT
security.rr.com:25 HTTP/1.0" 200 12796 "-" "-" - - [23/Jan/2003:02:13:36 +1000] "CONNECT
maila.microsoft.com:25 HTTP/1.0" 200 12904 "-" "-" - - [23/Jan/2003:02:13:39 +1000] "CONNECT
maila.microsoft.com:25 HTTP/1.0" 200 12904 "-" "-" - - [13/Jan/2003:00:31:08 +1000] "CONNECT
maila.microsoft.com:25 HTTP/1.0" 200 12904 "-" "-" - - [13/Jan/2003:00:31:19 +1000] "CONNECT
maila.microsoft.com:25 HTTP/1.0" 200 12904 "-" "-" - - [13/Jan/2003:00:31:21 +1000] "CONNECT
maila.microsoft.com:25 HTTP/1.0" 200 12904 "-" "-"

What worried me the most was the CONNECT and the PUT both returning a
status of 200 (OK) and returning about 12k of data to them!

> Your Apache isn't relaying anything.  It looks like RoadRunner is
> doing some sort of audit on their customers.  I have been picking these
> up in my /var/log/messages (from iptables logging) and my Apache logs.
> They are from as far back as December 24th (that's how far back my
> logs go) and seem to happen at least once a week.
> In addition to Apache, I see them probing these ports:
> 119, 25, 8080, 8081, 6588, 4480, 3128, 1080, 81

I understand them looking for port 25 and 80 to see if you are running
email or web services but requesting a foreign port 25 connection via
the webserver seems very suspicious to me.

| Peter Kiem            .^.   | E-Mail    : <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |
| Zordah IT             /V\   | Mobile    : +61 0414 724 766    |
|   IT Consultancy &  /(   )\ | WWW       : www.zordah.net      |
|   Internet Hosting   ^^-^^  | ICQ       : "Zordah" 866661     |

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