Greetings -

I'm trying to get snmpd started on a RH 7.2 server.  First, let me say that
I have it running just fine on another server, also 7.2.  The only
difference between the two servers, AFAIK, is hardware.  The OS installation
and configuration is as identical as I can make it.

I ran /usr/bin/snmpconf, and answered the questions.  I made a copy of
/etc/snmp/snmpd.conf, then copied the output of snmpconf to

I made sure there were ipchains rules allowing communcations on port 161
(tcp and udp).

I modified /etc/init.d/snmpd to add "-c /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf" to the startup

If I start snmpd with '/etc/init.d/snmpd start', I get the "OK" message, and
/var/log/messages says:

Jan 28 12:54:49 host snmpd: snmpd startup succeeded

However, nothing shows in "ps -ef".  If I stop it with '/etc/init.d/snmpd
stop', I get a "FAILED" message, and /var/log/messages says:

Jan 28 15:16:16 tristan snmpd: snmpd shutdown failed

Which is to be expected, since it never really started in the first place.

If I run it from the command line, with the '-D' debug option, I get some
mystery output:

[root@host tmp]# /usr/sbin/snmpd -D -P /var/run/snmpd -a -c
trace: ds_set_string(): default_store.c, 120
ds_set_string: Setting 0:5 = /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
trace: ds_set_boolean(): default_store.c, 53
ds_set_boolean: Setting 1:1 = 0/False

I have it running on another server, with the same command line options, the
same configuration (except for things like hostname, etc).  I tested it with
snmpwalk, and it works fine, MRTG is working, etc.  It's just this other
server that isn't working for some reason.

I've been searching via Google for a possible solution, and have tried the
archives of this list at, but the search results are always zero.
Any ideas what might be happening, and/or any ideas how I can get some more
verbose debugging information to try and figure out what is going on?  Right
now I am stumped.

- John

John Turner
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | 248-488-3466
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