> A goal of linux should be to make the install as easy, fast, and
> painless as absolutely possible.  If you want to get into the gears
> and wheels of installing and setting things up, either do so after
> the initial install OR choose to do it that way in the first place,
> just don't expect that the hard way should be the only (or even the
> main) way.
> patrick
> patrick

I agree. I just bought and installed 5.1 about 3 weeks ago and I'm still working on
getting it like I want it. Of course I come from Microso$t OS's and know very little
about unix. I had a $1.99 copy of RH 4.2 and never could get X to work right. I tried 
upgrade install to 5.1 and RPM's started to fail to install
about 3/4's of the way through. I guess that I ran out of disk space. I did a reinstall
from scratch and that worked fine. However as a user who just went out and bought this 
would expect the install program to tell me if I don't have
enough disk space to upgrade ahead of time. Evidently it needs a lot of free space to
upgrade. I knew what to expect from the 4.2 install so it wasn't much of a problem for
me. So far I must say that I am very pleased with Linux and I
only use Windoze when I have to.


Win 95 runs in a different position on the same hard disk. and I don't have problems
with either Linux or Win 95. My windows 95 crashes about once a month and Linux has not
crashed yet.

Mike Gahagan

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