Shirad Salaheddine wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to install Oracle Collaboration Suite release 9.0.3 on a Red Hat
> Advanced Server 2.1 Linux.
> When ever I run the install file I receive the following message:
>       * Java Runtime Environment was not found at \tmp\orainstall ...
> With an message to Install JRE from the java web site.
> Now when I type in my shell : [root] : java, it show that java env. Is
> installed ...
> What is the problem ?
> Shirad Salaheddine
> Application Developer - Professional Services Division
Sometimes Oracle doesn't want to install directly from the CD - then
there's normally a shell script to run, that makes a temporary directory
tree with symbolic links to the CD. As far as I remember, the reason has
often been that when you mounted the CD on certain OSes, all the file
names would be in upper case.

So, my suugestion is to look for information about this in the READMEs
and other release files on the CD; perhaps there is a script to run
before you start installing.


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