On Thu, 2003-01-30 at 12:56, Jody Cleveland wrote:
> Hello,
> I setup redhat 8 as localhost. Now, I've changed it to it's normal name
> email.winnefox.org. So, I run apachectl startssl and it starts fine. I even
> added a listing in ssl.conf for a site. So, I go to https://... and I get an
> error about where the certificate is from. I view the certificate, and it
> says it's coming from localhost.localdomain. Is there anyway to change that,
> or to create a new one that would say email.winnefox.org?
> Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
> --
> Jody Cleveland

This will be some help:


VB programmers ask why no one takes them seriously, 
it's somewhat akin to a McDonalds manager asking employees 
why they don't take their 'career' seriously.

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