Hi Lisa,

It may be a subnet mask issue - It sounds like traffic for the 62.x.x.x
isn't being routed outside of your local network.

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Lisa
Sent: Monday, February 03, 2003 8:27 AM
Subject: ping problem


last week I used ip-aliasing to bind a virtual address to the external
card of my firewall machine.
i.e.  I bound the ip ip) to the MAC address of (firewall ex. card)

Since then, I have noticed that we cannot ping any external ip addresses
that are not in our range, beginning with 62.x.x.x.
eg. I tried to ping the address (www.o2.ie), but the request
timed out.

I dont have any problems pinging any other external ips (eg. google)

Could this problem be related to the ip-aliasing that I did ?


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