Well, I tried again to download SO 4.0 again
last night. This time, I could not even start the
download, for some reason. So, I think I'll give
up on the download.

I noticed on Caldera's web page that you can get 
a single user version of SO 4.0 on CD for about
8 dollars. I will gladly pay this paltry sum to avoid
further downloading woes. However, the site says
that it is "SO 4.0 for OpenLinux". I assume that the 
only reason they say that it is for OpenLinux is 
because they want you to buy their distribution.
I also notice that when you attempt to download
the file from the StarDivision site, it lists the product
as "StarOffice 4.0 for OpenLinux (Linux)", which
would imply that this is probably the same version
that Caldera sells.

Is there any reason why this CD won't work for
RH 5.0? I don't see why there would be, but I
don't want to waste any money (even if it is only
8 bucks!) on something I won't be able to use.

Does anyone have any insight/comments on this?
Thanks for patience with my stupid questions!


Thomas Hubbell

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