> You could just copy over the directories (databases), and that should 
> work.  However, to avoid possible conflicts between your old 
> MySQL and you new MySQL (there shouldn't be any, but....)

I tried just copying them over, but that didn't seem to work.

> you should do a dump from your old db, and import that into your new db.
Something like 
> phpMyAdmin would make this task easy if you're unfamiliar 
> with command line MySQL.
> http://www.phpmyadmin.net/

I tried installing this, but got this error when trying to run it:
cannot load MySQL extension,
please check PHP Configuration.

In checking their documentation, they say this:
 Usually, the problem is solved by installing a software package called
"PHP-MySQL" or something similar.

How would I do this? Should that have been installed when I setup redhat
with php and mysql?


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