Jianping Zhu wrote:
I have redhat 7.3, sometimes when i issue a "locate" command , lots of
lines are list on screen, but i can go back to a small history of the
screen. Is there a way to config the system to let me go back to see
There probably is, but you can just use 'less'. When the output of a command scrolls off the screen, just arrow-up to get the command back, then add a pipe to 'less' at the end of the line.

locate somestring | less

You can PageUp, PageDown, and use the arrow (cursor) keys. There's also:

gg (first line)
G (last line)
q (Quit)
/regexp (find the string or regular expression that follows the slash)
n (find the next occurance of the search string)

The manpage system on Linux uses less to view man pages.

You can also use 'less' to look at files:

less filename

If looking at a file, you can edit it by typing 'vi'. after exiting vim, you will be returned to 'less' with the modified file loaded.

Anthony E. Greene <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]%3E>
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