On Wed, 2003-02-12 at 19:13, Ze Ji Li wrote:
> Hi,
> 1) copy your shadow, passwd, group file to the new machine.
> 2) nfs mount your old redhat's home dir to the new machine.
> 3) to move everything from one place to another place, use
>     cd fromdir; tar cf - . | (cd todir; tar xpf -)
>     (this works great for me whenever I need to move data around)
> 4) repeat step 2 and 3 for your mail dir.

Depending on the version difference and the packages installed the
entire file from the old system may cause problems since later version
have added users to run serveices that did not use to be there.  ntp
comes to mind, and the switch from httpd to apache .  I would copy only
the users and groups with ids > 499.  You should be ok then

With all the upgrades going on, there really ought to be a utility for
this.  It would be pretty simple I think but I haven't the time. 

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