On Thu, Feb 13, 2003 at 01:50:53PM -0800, CM Miller wrote:
> i've installed RH 8.0 and was wondering what happened
> to the alt. + f1 command to switch to different
> desktops...

When you are in X-windows (and I assume you are) you have to 
use "Ctrl-Alt-F1" to get to virtual console 1 which is normally
reached by pressing "Alt-F1".

You can return to X-windows from there by pressing "Alt-F7"

"Ctrl-Alt-<Any FN key>" will get you to that virtual console
from X-windows, but ordinary installs will not have anything on
F7 - f12 console so all you will get is a blank screen 
on those upper end consoles.

Jeff Kinz, Emergent Research,  Hudson, MA.  "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 
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