
        (I realize this may be a bit inappropriate to the list, but here goes.)
        Until yesterday I had a Quantum Fireball 13GB drive and a WD 40GB.  Red
hat 8 is on the second, windows xp (fat32) was on the first.  The
Quantum is about 4 years old and started losing data (doing scandisk
every time it started, making odd clicking noises... etc.) so I decided
it was time to buy a new one.
        So I bought a new Seagate 80GB one.  I installed it with no problem,
just set the jumper in the same place as the old Quantum, same cables
and everything.  I knew I'd have to format it, so I first put in my RH
bootdisk and used Linux's fdisk to try and format it.  But I couldn't
mount it.  When I restarted, still nothing.
        So I dug up a win98 bootdisk and tried MS's fdisk.  I created a primary
partition, then extended with a logical dos drive.  I still can't mount
it in linux.  
        Here's a brief snapshot of what happens right now:
(fdisk display when "print partition table". of /dev/hde1

/dev/hde1p1             1       100    803218+   c  Win95 FAT32 (LBA)
/dev/hde1p2           101       254   1237005    5  Extended

(of course I su'd into root)

[root@localhost Brandon]# mount -t vfat /dev/hde1 /c
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hde1,
       or too many mounted file systems
[root@localhost Brandon]# mount -t vfat /dev/hde1p1 /c
mount: special device /dev/hde1p1 does not exist

If I try to mount the extended partition, I get:
[root@localhost Brandon]# mount -t vfat /dev/hde2 /c
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hde2,
       or too many mounted file systems
       (aren't you trying to mount an extended partition,
       instead of some logical partition inside?)

I'm not a newbie but have never dealt with a new drive like this
before.  The plan is to try and copy back my win stuff (i copied the
whole drive to my linux drive temporarily) once I get it recognized...
but if I can't mount it...  with the win98 bootdisk it says there's
something wrong with the disk.
        Also curious is that when the computer starts up it shows it as only
being 10GB.  My computers an aging Gateway with a PIII 450...

Thanks for any help!,

Brandon Dorman


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