I have a Yamaha AC-XG sound card in my Sony GRX-500P laptop.  When I run
redhat-config-soundcard,  RedHat 8.0 detects the card as: 

Intel 82801CA/CAM AC'97 Audio
Module i810_audio

When I click "Play test sound" something plays, but it's terribly choppy
and sounds real bad.  I also get this same choppy/clicky sound from the
KDE sound server test.  Also, programs like XMMS and Tux Racer don't
play any sound at all.

I've tried playing with the properties inside of KDE sound server.  I've
tried using aRts, OSS and Threaded OSS, but all of them sound the same.
Some people say changing the frequency to 48000 Hz, but it doesn't seem
to do anything for me.

Has anyone here had similar experiences?  Does anyone have a


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