On Tue, 7 Apr 1998, Db wrote:

> >I made an instalation for RH 4.2 and I made two partitions. First
> >partition ( 50 Mb ) for swap and the second for linux. 
> did I read somewhere it was a heathen thing to do...ie; make swap the
> FIRST partition?
It depends. The primary concept was that the heads not have to travel far to
get to the swap partition (slowing down the swap process). If swap is on
it's own drive, the point is moot. If you have a single drive, and all the
linux partions are near the beginning of the drive, no problem. But I
wouldn't take a single big drive, but linux near the beginning, put 
NT/95/OS2 in the middle, and put linux swap at the end.........

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