Don't know if this has been a problem for past RPM kernels, as I only
recently made this change to my config.

I was mounting my root filesystem via UUID instead of label or /dev, as
follows (from /etc/fstab):

        UUID=xxxxx-xxxx-xxx   /   ext3d defaults   1 1

...which worked fine until I tried to upgrade the kernel.  Using up2date
(I know, redhat doesn't recommend this) gave strange errors like "cannot
exec" then the UUID number.  So I downloaded the kernel RPMS and
installed them manually; still no luck.  The only way to get the new
kernel to take was to change the /etc/fstab file to use LABEL=/ or
/dev/hdxx as the device to mount.

Don't know if this constitutes a bug, as I'm not sure if redhat even
supports mounting root FS via UUID.  Just figured I'd mention it.

As a side note, it seems nvidia's geforce drivers don't work with this
kernel.  I've got their latest version (1.0-4191), and the kernel module
it generates has a host of unresolved symobl errors.  Anyone else have
any luck with this?

I tried creating it from the src rpm and from the source code to no
avail.  I've got an email to nvidia about it and will let you all know
how it goes.  


Brian Smith-Sweeney
Senior Systems Administrator
University of California, Santa Barbara
Physics Department

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