Dear Cliff, 

two weaks ago I tried the same thing with an Acer notebook.
Unfortunatelly I had no time to rewrite my results into this mailing
list. But, I'll do as soon as I have 2 seconds left... :-)

You need a kernel from since the patch from sourceforge will
not work with pre-patched redhad-kernels.
Go to and get the kernel 2.4.20. It's the latest
stable one.

Then get the acpi-patch from sourceforge for the kernel 2.4.20. Be
patient, the versions must be matching! For infos how to patch a kernel
see man patch.

You will need to recompile your kernel. You know how to do it? If not,
tell us and we will help you. In the configuratoin menu, disable apm and
therefore activate acpi. Recompile your kernel and.... yeah, your fan
powers down and your notebook runs cool!

Kind regards,

On Sat, 2003-02-22 at 16:09, Cliff Diamond wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm trying to get ACPI (battery and suspend functions) working on my Vaio 
> PCG-GR290P. I'm a bit confused as to whether the kernel in Red Hat 8.0 includes ACPI 
> support. ACPI is certainly not working on my laptop, yet there's the Battery Charge 
> Monitor utility that would imply there's support in there somewhere.
> Hunting around the Net it seems I might need to rebuild the kernel with the latest 
> ACPI patches, but I've never done that before and don't even know if it's necessary.
> Can anyone help?
> Many thanks.
> Cliff Diamond

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