On Mon, 2003-02-24 at 12:39, Thomas E. Dukes wrote:
> > What's the output of 
> > 'grep "Feb 23 16:3" /var/log/*' ?
> Feb 23 16:23:53 localhost last message repeated 326713 times
> Feb 23 16:24:07 localhost last message repeated 70915 times
> Feb 23 16:24:07 localhost samba(pam_unix)[1666]: session opened for user
> edukes by (uid=0)
> Feb 23 16:24:07 localhost portsentry[983]: attackalert: Possible stealth
> scan from unknown host to TCP port: 111 (accept failed)
> Feb 23 16:24:37 localhost last message repeated 160240 times
> Feb 23 16:25:38 localhost last message repeated 316834 times
> Feb 23 16:26:24 localhost last message repeated 236839 times
> Feb 23 16:26:24 localhost samba(pam_unix)[1666]: session closed for user
> edukes
> Feb 23 16:26:24 localhost portsentry[983]: attackalert: Possible stealth
> scan from unknown host to TCP port: 111 (accept failed)
> Feb 23 16:26:54 localhost last message repeated 164387 times
> Feb 23 16:27:56 localhost last message repeated 326772 times
> These are the last two entries prior to the beginning of these strange
> entries.  I installed portsenrty today but samba has been installed for
> a while.  I un-installed porsentry, but it didn't stop the repeated log
> entries.  It may be something with samba but I checked previous messages
> logs and didn't see these occurrences.
> > 
> > - -- 
> > - -Michael

I wonder if you blow out the log file and restart the system - it might
be easier to track the  problem...hate to have huge logfiles with
mystical messages pertaining to unknown errors...

Stephen Kuhn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Kuhn Media Australia
Mon, 24 Feb 2003 13:00:00 +1100
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 linux user:267497 * RH 8.0 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

Scully: What was that??
Mulder: I don't know - but it ain't no duck.

        "The X-Files: Quagmire"

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