How about grap the page by saving it then use The Gimp? Or there is graphical 
manupilating program like Electric Eye that can "see" the graphic in the web then 
printe it?


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I don't believe the file format is relevant.  No image will print,
regardless of format: png, gif, and jpeg all fail to print.   Only text

On Sat, 2003-02-22 at 23:41, LAST FIRST wrote:
> check he file format of the map.
> --- message from "Richard S. Crawford" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> attached:

Richard S. Crawford
AIM: Buffalo2K / Y!: rscrawford / ICQ: 11640404
"It is only with our heart that we can see clearly.  What is essential
invisible to the eye."  --Antoine de Saint Exupery

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