On Mon, 2003-02-24 at 17:25, Rune Berge wrote:
> I have a BNC network at home, and my neighbour wants to connect to it with
> a wireless gateway and share my Internet connection. So I figured I could
> insert a second NIC in my Redhat 8 server, and connect that to the
> wireless network. Would that work? If so, how do I do it?
> I'm not a very experienced linux user, so solutions not involving
> recompiling the kernel is much preferred...

Yes, it's possible. And no, kernel recompilation is not required.

My best advice for the simple route to success: download Shorewall at
http://www.shorewall.net and use your RH8 box as a gateway. Really, it
sounds like you have three network connections and not two:

 1. Your Internet connection
 2. Your home network
 3. Your neighbor's wireless gateway

If you want to go the extra mile, you can also use DHCP to assign his
machines addresses on a different subnet (e.g. assign yourself
192.168.0.x and him 192.168.1.x) and set up routing such that he can
access the Internet but is firewalled from your network. This is easy
with Shorewall and dhcp.

Note that there are plenty of other tools that do this. Shorewall just
happens to be the only one I know and use, and which has worked
flawlessly and easily for me. YMMV.

Rodolfo J. Paiz

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