Stefan Neufeind said:
> Hi,
> I'm running a separate bind-daemon as secondary-dns on some server of  a
> friend. He assigned me an IP (eth0:0) which I can use to bind my  own
> DNS-instance to. But when it comes to zone-transfers the
> secondary-DNS still connects to my primary-DNS using the "official"  eth0
> ... which, if you take it correct, is not the IP of my DNS-
> instance.

what does your zone setup on the slave look like? connections from
the *master* to the slave should come from eth0 not eth0:0 but connections
from the slave to the master should go to eth0:0

sample zone from my slave:

zone "" {
        type slave;
        file "slave/";
        masters {; };
        allow-transfer {; };
        allow-query { any; };


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