>> I want to setup Samba on my network, but my W2K box
>> NTFS. 
>> I am told that NTFS is already in the kernel but
>> lsmod doesn't show it.  
>> I've downloaded kernel-ntfs-2.4.18-14.i386.rpm and
>> I've installed it ok, caues rpm -qa | grep
>> shows it, but when doing modprobe: 

>If you're either sharing that box on the network, or
>using that box 
>access shares on the network, why would it matter if
>you had NTFS
>compiled into the kernel or not?

>If you're accessing a share on that machine from a
>linux box, it
>wouldn't matter what file system it had - NTFS or
>otherwise - it's a
>shared network drive, hence readable.

>Vice-versa - if you're accessing shares on the linux
>box from the 
>machine, it wouldn't matter what the file system is -
>it's a network
>share hence accessible.

>Aside from that, there is an NTFS module available on
>requires nothing from you other than to install the
>RPM without any
>magic tricks.
>Stephen Kuhn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Kuhn Media Australia

So if I am understaind you correctly, I DO NOT need
NTFS to share files across my network either with
Samba or NFS? 



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