On Sat, 2003-03-01 at 11:22, Kapil Khanna wrote:
> I recently installed Redhat on an old P2 laptop. It works like a champ and i
> am extremely pleased. However the laptop only comes with 2.5 GB of hard drive
> space. Using the system over the last couple of weeks has the drive at 60% of
> its capacity. Thats making me anxious that someday i will have to deal with
> space issues.
> I was successfully able to map a Windows file system from another machine on
> my network via Samba on /mnt. 
> I have always wondered if i can mount this additional windows file system on /
> (root) rather than a sub directory of /. That way i can add virtual hard drive
> space to that Linux box. In fact i tried doing this once but was unsuccessful
> with a message saying the device/resource was busy.
> Any ideas on how i can get around this problem? I have thought about symblins
> from the linux file system directories to the samba share, what other options
> can i explore? If i install an external hard drive will that add space to my /
> (root) file system? 
> A df on my machine reveals the following:
> Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
> /dev/hda2              2885216   1622088   1116568  60% /
> /dev/hda1                50723      5967     42137  13% /boot
> none                     47188         0     47188   0% /dev/shm

If the box is always going to be on the network there is allsorts of
stuff you can do.  I create a /install dir on most of my servers and nfs
mount the partition that keeps my installation tree and updated rpms on
there.  From the machines standpoint it looks like I have a 20 GB
partition on /install for each of my 4 production servers but it is
really the same one on a totally seperate box that also happens to be
the gateway to our test/installation subnet.

If you are used to the MS way of doing things where every drive is a
separate drive letter and thus hard to integrate additional space
requirements into then it is a little hard to get your head around.

For instance when I first set up my first linux/samba file server I had
a 5Gig partition for /pub. It did not take too long before I got in a
bind and had to put /pub/Software on its own 5GB chunk.  When I ran into
/pub/Software/linux_software needing additional space I went to the
/install deal above on a big (at the time) ide drive on a separate box.

Nowadays with LVM which I had the wonderful experience of getting paid
to set up for my brothers firm you can add aonther harddrive to a box
and add the space anywhere you want ad still keep the logical partitions
I was used to.


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