On Wed, 5 Mar 2003 06:59:51 -0800 (PST)
Jedicosmonaut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> scribbled furiously:

> I am looking for a good book on how to do the semi
> everyday tasks in Red Hat 8.0 or Linux in general.  I
> have questions regarding items like USB devices in
> general, installing a new mouse, installing a local
> printer, configuring my Handspring, connecting my
> digital camera, mounting a USB external hard drive,
> etc.  Most books that I have read cover the basics,
> but never goes into the intermediate everyday items. 
> Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks 
I believe there is a _Linux Bible_ for Redhat 8.0 if you want something
specifically written with RH8 in mind (I think it comes with a publishers
version of the OS as well).  for more general Linux advice, I like
_Running Linux_ by Welsh, et. al. published by O'Reilly.
"The man who views the world at 50 the same as he did at 20 has wasted 30
years of his life."
--Muhammad Ali

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