On Wed, Mar 05, 2003 at 10:10:57PM +1100, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
> On Wed, 2003-03-05 at 17:50, William Warren wrote:

> > I'm running a Dell Dimension with an S3 Virge card, 128 MB Ram, and 9
> > GB SCSI HD. The SCSI controller is an Adaptec 2940. 
> > (Added 3/5) I'm running RH 7.3.
> > 
> > The root user lost its X desktop during one of the up2date runs. It
> > used to be there, but now it's gone. Other users are not affected.
> > 
> > When I enter "startx" at the command prompt, I see the gray
> > crosshatch background that usually preceeds my desktop, but then
> > everything stalls with the mouse pointer showing as an "X" in the
> > screen. I can move the mouse or change screen resolutions, but the
> > desktop never appears.
> > 
> > I have to explicitly kill the server (Cntl-Alt-Backspace) to get back to 
> > the command prompt. There are no error messages shown.
> > 
> > Google hasn't been my friend on this. All suggestions welcome.
> > 
> > Bill
> When you're at the console as "root", what about trying:
> switchdesk windowmaker
> ...then trying to run "startx" again? If that works, then you can do:
> switchdesk kde
> or 
> switchdesk gnome
> ...and try to get back into X, ay?
> -- 
> Stephen Kuhn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Kuhn Media Australia


Sorry, no luck: the 'switchdesk' utility completed normally, but 
when I do 'startx', it's the same gray background and nothing else 
but the mouse pointer.


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