On 6 Mar 2003, Stephen Kuhn wrote:

> My system is: RH 7.3+, SENDMAIL I have is the default for RH 7.3 - so I
> haven't updated/upgraded it (not that I want to).
> The question is, however, I've been trying to dig through all the
> sendmail configurations - and am trying to find out where I can
> customise the error messages and other inbound/outbound messages - silly
> as it may seem, but I need to figure them out.
> So, if anyone has a magic key to this issue, I'd really appreciate
> hearing about it. Thanks!
If you are after something like specific bounce messages for Spam, you 
can use the /etc/mail/access file for that.  If you realy want to get 
creatice, you can edit sendmail.cf, and change the messages.  Or you can 
go digging into the .m4 files that are used to create the sendmail.cf 
file, and modify the strings there.  (/usr/share/sendmail-cf/m4/...)


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