Hey Folks,
   I've been using Redhat Linux for several months now, and about a
month ago I upgraded to 8.0.  After several VERY interesting and
educational bug/crash/misconfiguration recoveries (Kids, dont go
upgrading to gnome 2.2 via rpm's unless you REALLY know what youre
getting yourself into!), the final fixit on my plate is the sound. I'm
using my motherboard's built in VIA VT82c686 audio controller, and XMMS
on the other end. I had no trouble with it whatsoever under my RH 7.2
setup, (I have it wired into my very 1970's home stereo, works great!)
and It even worked with the 8.0 install, once I got the mp3 support from
the XMMS site. My problems began when I was wingin' around kernels like
I was trying on shoes, and at one point tossed the
/lib/modules/kernel-2.4.18-14 directory, thinking I wouldnt need it.
then, after needing it, I replaced it from the trash. So that shouldnt
be it. 
   The symtoms include "can't find module-sound-slot 0" and "can't find
module-sound-service 0" upon shutdown.(when the system is trying to save
the mixer settings) Note that There's no indication of this error at
boot. When using redhat-config-soundcard, It detects the device and even
the driver just fine, but won't play the test sound. Xmms, with and yes
that is WITH thw XMMS mpg123 fix installed, just rapidly zings through
the playlist without a peep, just AS IF the mp3 support WASN'T
installed. I ran lsmod and both "sound" and "soundcore"seem to be shown,
and I ran rpm -V --all and aside from the ownership, group changes, etc
that result from heavy upgrading,(and, yes, --force -ing from time to
time) everything seemed installed properly. At one point i even copied
the /lib/modules/2.4.18-26.8.0/build/configs/kernel-2.4.18-athlon.config
file to /lib/modules/2.4.18-26.8.0/build, which looked like the problem
for awhile. So, sorry for the long mail. I'm at my wits end.


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