
Recently I installed RH 8.0 on a P4 machine with 512 MB Ram. I have dual boot enabled, with win98 as the other OS.

I have not installed any other packages other than those shipped with RH 8.0.

I use my Linux Box primaryly as a Internet Gateway. I have set up iptables using standard, normal, simple rules found in any tutorial. I have not enabled port forwarding. I am using pppd. I am using a script supplied with pppd to startup dial-up. this script can be run only by root. the script also brings up iptables script that I have written. This iptables script flushes all previous rules and tables and starts up new every time pppd is run. This is required because of dynamic ip.

Other daemons running are sendmail, httpd besides xinetd for telnet, ftp etc. I have configured xinetd to accept requests for CVS pserver as well. All these are used for local use only.

last week, problems began to show up when my linux box was used as a desktop pc using KDE/gnome. But, the user of KDE/gnome was a normal user and did not have privileges to modify ANY system files. I'm stating this to rule-out any possibility of files being modified/deleted by the user.

Now the problem... machine started to hang randomly. keyboard wouldn't just work. But the system was still running and telnet, ftp was available. Then suddenly one day it hung completely while pine was run first time by a user. pppd was not running at that time.

I rebooted the machine, and I was not able to log in with ANY user name on the system. Then I booted with RH CD with "linux rescue" option. The machine booted, and mounted the drive properly under /mnt/sysimage. I checked the passwd file and everything was normal. So I completely shut the machine down and booted after some time. This time machine booted properly!!!

Now, the machine boots, but it fails to recognise the eth0 configuration and says no eth0 device found. and does not initialize the nic. Then while trying to run the pppd daemon, it gives the error ppp not found.  It also gives some problem on USB module. Network is completely unavailable now.

I suspected a hardware failure,  and run the machine under windows 98 mode for two days. The machine worked without fail. Even the network, and dial-up is working.

Can anybody suggest what could be the problem? Also can anybody let me know how to completely re-install network related modules (like eth, ppp) from the CD itself?

Thanx in advance,


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