On Wed, 12 Mar 2003, Mikevl wrote:

> I can somebody please help me out with this.?
> My root partition seems to be full but I cannot find the files which
> fill it up.
> Many thanks
> Mike
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# df -h
> Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> /dev/hda1             980M  980M     0 100% /
> /dev/hdb1              73G   43G   26G  62% /mnt/Windows
> none                  250M     0  250M   0% /dev/shm
> /dev/hda3              14G  1.5G   12G  11% /usr
> /dev/hda2              19G  5.1G   13G  28% /var
You should probably re-think your partitioning setup.  Unless you are 
setting up a web hosting machine with all the web pages in /var, 19G is 
way too large for the /var partition.  14G is a also a bit large for 
/usr.  Depending on how you plan on using the system, I would consider 
using something like parted to shrink /usr to somewhare between 2G and 
4G, and use the freed up space to create a /home partition.  moving 
/home to its own partition should free up a fair amount of space on /.  
You might also want to trim 1 or 2G off of /var, and create a /tmp 

If you deside to make the changes, and do not know how to move things to 
new partitions, this has been covered on the list before.  If you can 
not find it in the archives, then ask about the steps you don't 


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