I have a small home network, and I'd like to share home and mail
directories so that a user logging in on any machine in the network sees
the /home/<userid> directory from his/her own machine and
/var/spool/mail/<userid> from a common server.  I think I have the basics,
but I'd like to make sure I've got it right before I break something I
care about.  I'd like not to use NIS at the moment, though I may get into
that later.  There aren't so many machines or users that I feel the need
for it at this point.

For a home directory, I know that the machine it lives on must export it
in /etc/exports:


To get it mounted when the user logs into any machine, I would have that
user's entry in /etc/passwd be:

        joeuser:x:500:500:Joe User:<something>:/bin/bash

but what about <something> reflects the fact that the directory is to be
mounted from the remote machine on login?  Or am I off base here?

For the mail files, I have the server export /var/spool/mail as:


and I mount it with the entry in /etc/fstab

        server:/var/spool/mail    /var/spool/mail         nfs     \
                                        auto,hard,intr,rw       0 0

This seems straightforward except for one thing:  root's mail file is now
network-mounted so all mail to root on any machine will go to the same
mail file.  Thus (1) I won't be able to tell which machine generated
the mail, and (2) since I'm not NFS mounting /root, when I read that mail,
the mbox file it ends up in will depend on which machine I'm logged into.
Is there a way around that difficulty?

                Matthew Saltzman

Clemson University Math Sciences

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