Jesse Jacobs wrote:
Hello Bill,
Is your pam set correctly?

I use pam, and it seems fine... anything that authenticates via pam authenticates via ldap... are you talking about the files in /etc/pam.d? I've had to tweak these a little before... do you think I need to have alternate authenticate methods in these? I thought that's what nsswitch.conf did .... seems like a lot of work configure all the files under pam.d..

did u use the RH auth setup?

yes I use authconfig to set up authentication

If so u might wanna use pam-ldap then pam_unix first_pass

not quite getting what you mean here... not use padl or anything, just native RH8

Thanks for your help..



Bill Dossett said:


Can anyone please tell me why the following is occurring?

I have one openLDAP server running under RH8.0... I then
have a number of other servers that authenticate via the
main openLDAP server... these range from RH7.2 to RH8.0.

The pertinent portion of my nsswitch.conf is thus:

passwd:     files nisplus ldap
shadow:     files nisplus ldap
group:      files nisplus ldap

the root account is set on each machine using passwd,shadow,group, it is
not set in openLDAP.

The problem I have is that if the openLDAP server is down, it takes
ages... like 5 minutes, to login as root or to do anything which checks
authentication... to me it should be checking files for this first
before ldap...  but that certainly does not seem how it is... I will
have a replica openLDAP server soon, but I would like to understand this
fully... does anyone know how to fix that.. .or know anywhere where
there are people that know how to fix this?


Bill Dossett

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