Hello Willem,

Willem van der Walt wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks sofar.
> It worked, but now i have an open relay.

According to the README, sendmail, by default, does not permit
relaying. I'm not sure if this still apply after Red Hat packaged
it. How did you test it to see if it was an open relay?

To relay mail for the health.gov.za domain, add it to the
/etc/mail/relay-domains file. Create it if it does not exist yet.

> I had a modified local-host-names file that was modified by
> the update.
> It had the comment that it made the entry
> top.health.gov.za
> health.gov.za
> from the obsoleted /etc/sendmail.cw file
> regards, Willem
> On Mon, 17 Mar 2003, Willem Brown wrote:
>>Hello Willem,
>>What does the /etc/mail/mailertable and /etc/mail/local-host-names
>>look like?
>>If I'm not mistaken, the local-host-names should not contain
>>health.gov.za but mailertable should contain somthing like
>>the following.
>>health.gov.za smtp:mail.health.gov.za
>>You need to run the makemap command after you've updated the
>>mailertable file.
>>makemap hash /etc/mail/mailertable < /etc/mail/mailertable
>>Willem van der Walt wrote:
>>>The machine top.health.gov.za
>>>is the secondary relay for our domain, health.gov.za.
>>>It worked fine running rh 7.1.
>>>I ran up2 date on it to update the sendmail after the 3 March
>>>exploit became known.
>>>I kept the old files as is in /etc/mail.
>>>It now behaves as follows:
>>>When mail is sent to the main mailserver directly, everything works.
>>>If mail is sent to the relay top.health.gov.za it gives 550 511 user
>>>Where should i start looking?
>>>The out going mail from the mmain mail server stil
>>>goes out through top.health.gov.za.
>>>Script started on Mon Mar 17 12:12:12 2003
>>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] willem]$ telnet 196.15.22. 5.27 25
>>>Connected to
>>>Escape character is '^]'.
>>>220-InterScan Version 3.6-Build_LINUX7_1224 $Date: 05/07/2002 14:24:0012$: Ready
>>>220 mail.health.gov.za GroupWise Internet Agent 5.5.5 Ready (C)1993, 1998 Novell, 
>>>helo top.health.gov.za
>>>250 mail.health.gov.za Ok
>>>mail from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>250 Ok
>>>rcpt to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>250 Ok
>>>354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
>>>subjet ct: mailtesting one
>>>this is test one.
>>Best Regards
>>Willem Brown

Your relay problem might not be because of sendmail. Interscan's
relay controlls are quite useless. To stop the relaying, you have
to use a sendmail-sandwich config with Interscan in the middle.


Best Regards
Willem Brown
iServe (Pty) Ltd.

Tel: +27 (0)11 258-7800
Fax: +27 (0)11 258-7888
Cell: +27 (0)83 271-0839

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