On Tue, 2003-03-18 at 21:06, Edward Dekkers wrote:
> > I'd second this.  On a burstable T3 I got 5 iso's at 4.5 minutes per iso. 
> > PDF in my opinion.
> Show-offs!
> This has really turned into a mine is bigger than yours discussion.
> It takes me more than 8 hours to download 1 iso with my trusty 56K modem.
> Can't even get ADSL here.
> Maybe it's time to move?
> Regards,
> ---
> Edward Dekkers (Director)
> Triple D Computer Services P/L

Don't worry mate - it'll come to your area soon - hopefully, I'll have
mine within another few days (Yeeeeehaw!); but overall, in the end, some
Australian scientist is going to figure out how to have 1gbps transfers
and we won't give it to the yanks until we've gotten bored with it, ay?

Tue Mar 18 21:25:00 EST 2003
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