On Wed, Mar 19, 2003 at 08:32:20PM +0200, Ceyhun Kirmizitas wrote:
> Hello,
> One server( unfortunately win2k,this is not my choice) in my network 
> listens syslog messages. 
> By this way, if one of the service stops/or starts on Redhat machines, 
> then win2k server knows this situation.
> In other words, if one service that must run on linux machines stops 
> accidently, this service should be restarted by the win2k server remotely.
> P.s: I do not want to do this by telneting or ssh...Any other suggesstions 

Net of servers w/W2K system syslogging for net.  W2K sys is NOT polling
other systems (Which is the right way to do failover by the way) but waits for
messages saying - "Hey this service stopped"?  (what if cause of service stopping
also prevents these messages from being sent? )

If you cannot telnet or ssh then you must build a small daemon process to
listen on on a port for requests to restart the given service.  Its easy to do
in Perl or python.

> Ceyhun Kirmizitas
> Middle East Technical University
> Ankara / Turkey  
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