I like emacs.  One of the best things about it is that if you are ever in
the need to work over a terminal it works to its full extent via key
combinations.  Another thing that I like about it is that you can have the
window split in half and have one portion of a document on one side and
another portion of the same document on the other side where changes to
either side are applied to the document in the buffer.  This behavior helps
when you need to reference a function somewhere on the same script/file from
within another and jump back and forth making changes.  You don't end up
with two files, one with version problems where one has some change and the
other has other changes and neither has both.  As a note to the group, once
I read a message stating that emacs ability to get data off the X windows
clipboard was broken.  This is not the case, as it is turned off by default.
I'm not exactly sure why, but here is the method of turning it on....

edit ~/.emacs

Add the line:


Emacs also auto indents and matches brackets so you can see which opening
bracket matches the closing bracket as you type it.  I really like working
with it.

Larry S. Brown
Dimension Networks, Inc.
(727) 723-8388

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of David Busby
Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2003 4:21 PM
Subject: Code Editor?

    What is a good Visual Editor to use for code in gnome or KDE?  Most
important feature: syntax highliting.  I write in
SQL,PHP,PERL,C,HTML,XML,JavaScript.  Does anyone know of a package (free) on
Windows that does this (I know its not the right place to ask)

David Busby
Systems Engineer

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