Le ven 21/03/2003 à 22:23, Anthony E. Greene a écrit :
> Julien Olivier wrote:
> > Is it possible to open a file from a remote vfolder (ftp:// in my case)
> > using gedit and save it directly ? On RedHat 8.0 and 8.1 Beta, it
> > doesn't work. Is it normal ?
> Let's look at this step by step.
> You setup a vfolder that points to an FTP server. From the server's point 
> of view, you are just another FTP client. Your desktop software makes it 
> look like a folder to you, but it is really just an FTP connection.
> When you tell your software to open a file in this 'vfolder' using an 
> editor, your software downloads a copy of the file (via FTP) and opens 
> that copy for you.
> When you attempt to save the changes, your software will try to upload the 
> changed copy to the FTP server, overwriting the original file.
> If the FTP server does not allow uploads, then your attempt to upload will 
> fail. If you are not logged in to the FTP server using an account that has 
> permission to overwrite the original file, then the attempted overwrite 
> will fail.

Of course I know all that. I tryed io save to an FTP server where I have
right access. I tested it in KDE using konqueror and kwrite and that
worked great on the same FTP server and with the same login/pass.

> Tony
> -- 
> Anthony E. Greene <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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