I foudn it using Fdisk.. so it sees it.. but i cnat access /dev/hda1
(whuich it says it is) so what should i do now?
On Sat, 2003-03-22 at 15:48, Richard S. Crawford wrote:
> Try
>       $ mount
> to see if it's mounted.  If not, do
>       $ fdisk -l
> to see if your system even sees the HD in question.  If it does, it's
> probably listed as /dev/hdxy, where x is probably 'b' and 'y' is
> partition number.  For example, I have a Windows installation on a
> second hard drive, which I access by mounting /dev/hdb2 whenever I need
> to get at files on it (then I umount right away, just for the sake of
> fastidiousness).
> On Sat, 2003-03-22 at 12:21, Limb wrote:
> > Hey.
> > 
> > I want to try the NWN Linux version.. but i cant find my Windows HD... I
> > tried /mnt but its not there.. what can i do to access the windows HD?
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > -Limb
> -- 
> Slainte,
> Richard S. Crawford
> AIM: Buffalo2K / Y!: rscrawford / ICQ: 11640404
> http://www.mossroot.com http://www.stonegoose.com
> "It is only with our heart that we can see clearly.  What is essential
> is
> invisible to the eye."  --Antoine de Saint Exupery

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