Mike Taggart said:
> Me again ... these appear to be the last 2 items that I'm having problems
> with.
> Someone a few days ago posted something about his sound card is installed
> and recognized but is disabled - how do you enable the sound card?

not sure, never heard of such a situation myself..

> 2ndly ... my mouse freaks out on it own - i've tired switching the mouse
> to the generic wheel mouse, generic ps/2 mouse, M$ PS/2 mouse,
> Intellimouse PS/2 ... and does the same thing no matter which mouse driver
> is used.  It's a M$ Optical Wheel Mouse.  What happens is, the mouse
> cursor can be any where on the screen and then it jumps to the lower left
> corner ontop of the red fedora ... why does it do this and how can I
> correct this from happening?

this is often caused by using the wrong mouse protocol. If your using
X windows you'll want to try changing the protocol probably to IMPS/2,
if your using gpm(console) you'll wanna change the protocol to imps2.

I don't see a way in redhat's Xconfigurator(?) to change the protocol(!)
so I reccomend editing the file directly and changing it.

the file is /etc/X11/XF86Config though it may be called XF86Config-4


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