i have just got into redhat  "jumped right in with minimal knowledge of 

i have ran into a few problems  

1 have no sound at all  

2 have crappy video 256 color

3 my starband sattelite is not working right under linux "i think i need to 
emulate windows or something like that "

i have a very high end computer

2.6 ghz processor P4

NVIDIA Geforce 4 ti video card

creative soundblaster audigy (not sure what model i know its an high end )

i have read a few so called tutorials on installing these drivers etc etc but 
they have been aimed at people with knowledge of linux 

i on the other hand have no exp in linux . 

1 have a 120 gig hd

i have windows xp installed on the primary partition, windows has a 4 gig 
partition, with 2 - 10 gig logic storage partitions 

i have a 10 gig partition formated in fat32 for my linux program storage and 
gave the rest of the hd to redhat   thats almost 90 gigs of space "is this 
too much, i am hoping to use linux more than windows"

as for the sattelite  this is my primary internet connection i have the host 
name ip address for the dns primary and secondary  what is the third one  a 
triatary so something like that and how would i configure it to work since 
starband is software dependant, this is where i think that the windows 
emulation may work out the best, i dont know what to do here!!! i have 
contacted starband and told them i am running redhat 

and i get the same answer    whats redhat   so there no help at all and they 
have no idea what im talking about so i desided to write this and hopefully 
someone will reply to this and take some stress off of me by  walking me 
through the driver installation at least ,   and for the starband issure    
this is the most important thing that i need help on cause i cant go online 
with redhat   and download the drivers "kernel" 

so far from what i have exp with redhat and have heard   i know i am going to 
like it better than Windoez Xtra Pain and suffering 
please reply to the email address     [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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