Hi all,
I repost this message as plain text. (Sorry for the HTML one)

I hope this is not an off-topic here.

I'm trying to configure my samba on a RedHat AS 2.1, to run in an
active-active configuration.
The "Red Hat Cluster Manager Installation and Administration Guide" says on
chapter 6.2 :
"Allows the setup of an active-active configuration to maximize equipment
utilization. More details on active-active configurations appear below."
But - no luck for me :-) , because no such details appear below...

So I took some wild guesses but I'm not exactly sure of them:

I assumed that for high availability active-active configuration, each node
actually exports a different SMB share.
I guess I have to define two different "Cluster Services" , each one as a
samba service, and each such cluster service, should run by default on a
different node.
In case one of the nodes fails - the other one takes over that SMB share,
while still exporint its own share.

If I am correct, I have few things I'm not sure about (yet):
1. do both nodes need to run nmbd ? if so - should I configure both of them
to the same NETBIOS Name ? 
If yes - how does it work ?! If not - How do they fail over ? 
What NETBIOS Name should I write in the smb.conf.share_name file ? name of
node A, node B or the cluster alias ?

2. I am using security = domain. assuming that my nodes names are RHCLU0,
RHCLU1 and the alias is RHCLU :
should I add a computer account in my domain for both nodes and the alias ?
only the nodes ? only the alias ?

Your help is appreciated

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