> I have encountered several Redhat update packages for my Psyche system
> with error message about the packages do not have a valid GPG signature
> and that they have been tampered with or corrupted. Because I am not
> sure about this I always choose No when asked whether I want to continue
> or not. One latest package that has the problem is
> glibc-common-2.3.2-4.80. What is wrong here and how to fix it?
> Thanks for any help provided.
> Alimin

Funny you should mention that, I built a new server just a few days ago and
(first thing I always do) updated it via up2date straight away. It cam up
with the exact same message about the exact same file.

BUT: I just ran up2date again, and this time it was OK. I'd never seen that
message before then.

Maybe just a temporary glitch?


Edward Dekkers (Director)
Triple D Computer Services P/L

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