Hi All,

I'd like to chime in with a few thoughts if I may.

I am a relatively new RHCE as well, although I have been using Red Hat for
quite some time. I have surfed around the Red Hat site for RHCE's and find
that there is room for improvement. No need to hide the fact that I like Red
Hat and believe that they might consider the following:

RHCE are arguably ambassadors for Red Hat having taken the time and effort
to certify themselves. By and large, RHCE's are skilled IT professionals and
one needs to look no further than this list to see their quality.

Given that companies know well the expense of training personnel, it is
seems that Red Hat may have overlooked the potential that RHCEs can offer to
help grow Red Hat's market position. As Skeeve suggested, Red Hat may want
to consider a voluntary program whereby RHCE's would be privy to early
releases and have access to Red Hat's full product line in order to better
understand it, support it, and sell it. This kind of arrangement creates a
win-win-win: Red Hat, the RHCE, and the entity deploying the software. Of
course, RHCE's selling Red Hat solutions should be able to purchase the
software at the same price as the resale distribution channel.

In fact "distribution channel" is the operative term, as RHCE's offer Red
Hat a new sales/distribution channel with certified engineers -- no need to
hire and pay technical sales people when the inverse case exists.

Food for thought.


Christopher CUSE

PS -- Skeeve -- can you post the repsonse you received?

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Skeeve Stevens
Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2003 2:26 PM
Subject: RE: Disappointed - Lack of support for RHCE's in Australia

Yippee... a response.


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Skeeve Stevens
> Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2003 10:46 PM
> Subject: FW: Disappointed - Lack of support for RHCE's in Australia
> Maybe someone @ RedHat will listen if I post here... There was no
> response from any of the other addresses.
> ...Skeeve
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Skeeve Stevens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2003 7:25 PM
> Cc: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'; 'Natalie Cramp'; 'Dean Samuels';
> Subject: Disappointed - Lack of support for RHCE's in Australia
> To Whom can make a difference,
> Since becoming a RHCE over a year ago, I have been quite disappointed
> with the lack of support for RHCE.
> There has been VERY little press/marketing in Australia to promote the
> Certification in the I.T media or to create awareness among the I.T
> recruitment field.
> Products like the Enterprise servers are fantastic, but
> unlike other OS
> companies like Microsoft, Novell and others, we cant get free
> copies of
> the Advanced Server/Enterprise families to be able to learn
> them... I am
> an RHCE who has never even seen a AS server, much less know about
> administrating and rolling them out.
> About all I received ever from RedHat Asia Pacific was my couple of
> shirts, a cap and my certificate, and monthly emails telling
> me I should
> do more expensive training.
> I love RedHat, but find it a constant battle to represent it in my
> workplace and industry against stalwarts who are Debian or BSD
> fanatics... I say "But RedHat is a REAL company, with certification,
> consultants, box sets, and so on"... but it means little when RedHat
> itself does almost NOTHING for you.
> I would like to see a Register on the RedHat Asia Pacific
> website, with
> all listed RHCE's and their physical locations and specialties... so
> when people need work done, they can go look for the right person.
> I am also disappointed that I have to compete DIRECTLY with RedHat
> AsiaPac for consulting work... how can I possibly?  I have had 5
> occasions so far when someone has said to me, "why would they talk to
> anyone else but RedHat themselves - they charge reasonably".  This is
> very hard to compete against.
> I want to see:
> - Mailing list in APAC region and world for RHCE's so we can
> discuss and
> help each other out... the other OS's have this, why don't we?
> - Access to Software from RedHat - Enterprise Suite, RH Database, etc
> etc like Microsoft MSDN and so on, where their Certified people have
> access to ALL the latest software and Betas as soon as they are
> available.
> - Access to Enterprise Network for above
> - Access to lead generation from RedHat APAC...
> - The RH APAC website updated... the last news on there is from 27
> August... some 7 months ago... get serious.
> - Some sort of involvement from RH APAC to kick off some sort of
> 'Community' for RedHat Certified people in Australia
> - Emails answered... over 1-2 weeks ago I emailed RedHat APAC about
> becoming a Reseller... and got no response.
> - The RedHat Certified Service Provider Programme... $25,000
> US$ ? That
> is out of this world....
> Or I may have to start looking at certification in other areas and
> leaving RedHat behind, which is where I feel it is presently leaving
> people like me.... I personally know 5 RHCE's, and they feel the same.
> _______________________________________________________
> Skeeve Stevens, RHCE     Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Website: www.skeeve.org  - Telephone: (0414) 753 383
> Address: P.O Box 1035, Epping, NSW, 1710, Australia
> eIntellego - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - www.eintellego.net
> _______________________________________________________
> Si vis pacem, para bellum
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